Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Add articles/scripts here for free
Right now, this site has a 5/10 google RANK , that means that I am very hight on Google.com and the possibility of someone finding articles on this site is very BIG.
I can help you spread your scripts on the internet and you can be a volunteer that can help this blog grow.
You can add your scripts(php, javascript, sql, mssql, asp, CSS, HTML, etc)....web developing scripts on this blog for all the visitors to see by sending me an email at: ciprian_vb@yahoo.com.
send me the Article title, article content and your name and I will post it for you here.
Please write in the subject: Article for blog.
I want to make this a good blog that will help a lot of people in trouble with WEB code :)
Waiting for your emails,
Thank you,
How to build a website 5 min tutorial
Another great tutorial I've found on youtube, that shows you how you can build a website using dreamweaver... step by step...easy as pie ...no? ;))
Dreamweaver - Button Rollovers - Video Tutorial
Learn how to create buttons rollovers in dreamweaver...
I found a very good Step by step Tutorial on youtube...
Great Dreamweaver tutorial
I found a great tutorial for dreamweaver on youtube....
if u are a beginner and you are looking for a few more tricks on dreamweaver, this is perfect...just look...leave a comment with impressions please :D
lern how to make a website html + css
Learn how to make a website using html and css...
easy and fast to learn for anyone...
downlowd higher quality at
CSS easy Tutorial - Body, Input, Select
A very usefull CSS Tutorial for begginers on making the body, inputs and selects more unique. step by step tutorial. Enjoy...
CSS Tutorial - Div Layers, Classes
Very useful CSS tutorial about DIV , layers and classes....
This is a CSS Tutorial that will help you position an image using a div layer.
Insert Record PHP tutorial
Extremely funny voice on this tutorial. Like one of those old time television presentors...
Anyway...it is about a record insertion tutorial.....gives you all details, very good
Watch and learn ;).
PHP,HTML Tutorial // POST, Table, Forms
A PHP and HTML Tutorial in which we processes information from a form using the $_POST[]; functions in PHP and created a table and form.
Great for beginners ...
A PHP Tutorial about the basics of Math
Good for school or even for work.. A php TUTORIAL that show's u how to do simple math * + - / calculations...
this is for beginners,
Simple PHP Calculator Tutorial
A very easy and good PHP Calculator Video Tutorial....
Step by step instructions...
SQL injections for dummies - and how to fix them!
Another SQL injection video I found on youtube. Again, please do not hack anything unless it's your server and you do it to learn how to prottect yourself.
Enjoy the video....
SQL Injection - easy but important security tutorial
I've found a method of SQL injection on Youtube , a video tutorial that will help you understand how hackers can login to your site if it's not well protected. This video tutorial is for informational purposes only, for developers to know how to fix a security problem in theyr system. Please do not attempt to hack any website with this technique.
Thank you,
User Registration Video tutorial PHP
A great User Registration Video Tutorial made in PHP that I found on youtube..